Welcome to Torgerson Forest Products! While we love technology, we’d prefer to get to know you personally. Give us a call and let’s make this more than a transaction.
Industrial Lumber
Your project calls for something you’re not going to find at a box store. It’s big. It’s complex. There are specifications you need to adhere to, hundreds of pages of them. The timeline is tight. It’s high visibility. You can’t afford to take a risk on the new kid who promises the world but might not know what they don’t know.
Fear not. If it’s weird and hard to do, that’s our specialty—even monkey rudders that were drawn on a napkin (true story).
Torgerson Forest Products provides superior wood solutions to meet every specification.
Fabrication – we provide options in treatment while honoring environmental responsibilities.
Depth of Knowledge – we have over a decade of experience providing lumber to job sites from coast to coast. We know what works and what doesn’t.
Order quantities without waste – others provide lumber solely in unit quantities. We deliver only what you need.
Hard to find – our network of partners allows us to provide any commercially available wood in the world with your choice of customization.
Logistics – we deliver your material to any job site in the United States.
Timber Clad House Survives Wildfire
“Still other elements are invisible — yet critical. The walls of the house have a one-hour fire rating. The deck is Class A wood, as resistant to ignition as concrete or steel, Chasen says. Tempered glass protects the interiors. And the front of the house was built with heat-treated wood, shielded from flying sparks and embers …
Biden Administration Withdraws from Old Growth Forest Plan
“Wildfires, insects and disease have been the main killers of old-growth trees since 2000, accounting for almost 1,400 square miles (3,600 square kilometers) of losses, according to government research. Logging on federal lands cut down about 14 square miles (36 square kilometers) of old-growth forest — and timber industry representatives have said that figure shows …
Continue reading “Biden Administration Withdraws from Old Growth Forest Plan”
The Edison Building in Milwaukee, WI Will Rise to 31 Floors of CLT and Glue Laminated Timbers on a Prestressed Concrete Base
“It is ambitious projects like THESE that show how smaller cities are now poised to surpass the once-dominant capitals that shaped our skylines a century ago. Milwaukee’s progressive leaders are embracing a future-oriented vision, encouraging development and innovation. Secondary cities across America are proving what’s possible. It’s time we all listen.”Source: https://woodcentral.com.au/americas-next-timber-skyscraper-to-use-100k-cubic-feet-of-lumber/
Phone: 503-726-5300
Fax: 503-726-5308
Email: sales @ torgersonforest.com